Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Music Monday: End of Summer

I cannot believe summer is over already. Time flies. It was a good summer. E had some fantastic field trips with his Explorers group. He has looked forward to this for YEARS! Since his sister did it a few years ago.

L has done some camps and relaxed this summer. She is fun to have around the house. We have not gone swimming as much as she would have liked and we have not done ALL the fun stuff she wanted, but we did have some good times and it was truly the relaxed summer I wanted for her. The pressures of school are alot for little ones and I think having a time to relax and do what she wants to do, was very important.

So while on one hand I am looking forward to school and the regular schedule, I have to say, I am going to miss having the kids around...

So as summer fades to fall - all I can say is it has been a cool summer...

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