Thursday, June 23, 2011

Green, Green Yarden

We are in the season, where the spring flowers have faded, died off, been cleared away. Now we are in what I call the green season. The bright summer flowers aren't quiet ready to appear and the abundance of rain we have had, has left us with lush, lush greenness. I suppose this is why annuals are so popular. They give you color through the entire season, but then summer is over, they are gone. It is a trade off, but I like steady dependability of perennials, so that is what we mostly plant. There are some bursts of color in the sea of green. Their bright colors make me happy, even on a cloudy day.

We seem to have suffered some deer damage, so I am posting this picture of our fierce attack cat, who apparently is sleeping on the job...

Snickers is such a dog. No really, she follows you around the yard, she will stand guard as you do whatever it is you are doing, she really is very friendly. She is partial to L, but very friendly with all of us. She is a great addition to the family.

We moved this from our other house, it is spreading nicely, and stays yellow until late July. I have no idea what it is called. The bees also love it.

These daisies volunteered. I planed some on the other side of the flower bed and the dear at them roots and all last year, but these appeared this year. Daisies are my favorite, I think their cheery yellow faces.

Our hostas are ready to bloom. H split them last year and I think they need split again. If you are local and want some, let me know, when we split them in the fall, they are all yours.

We have a lovely bunch of squash and pumpkins growing in the garden and in the compost pile. Some years we get fruit and others we don't but the leaves are great cover for all the kitchen waste.

Hopefully soon, we have blooms... and listen up deer, our cat has some made hunting skills, munchers beware...

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