Monday, December 26, 2011

12 Days of Christmas - The Final Wrap Up

So I missed a few days. I was busy making Christmas happen... no time to write when one is knee deep in cookie dough, planning a very last minute 1st grade Holiday Party, and spending time with friends, which for me has grown increasingly more important. I enjoy spending time with my peeps.
So to spare us all the pain of dragging this out, I will do the final quickie countdown...

Nine ladies dancing

One of the best parts of this holiday season, which frankly was challenging but was less so was L's commitment to do the Nutcracker with her dance school. It was an amazing production. The girls started rehearsing the minute the Halloween show was over and it included extra practices on Sundays. The show was amazing. I was so proud of them all and most especially my Diva, who has an amazing mega watt smile. They reprised the show at the local community theater and then her group used the same costume and morphed into elves for the Community Center's special Polar Express movie night. It was a huge effort on her part to learn the dances, tackle homework backstage and squeeze in the sleep she needs to function. On my part, it is make up, clothing, packed lunches and hair prep.
That said, she rarely fights me too hard on make up and hair, in fact she can do more and more of it herself. Never once did she fight me about going to practice or the extra effort. It was truly a labor of love.

Ten lords a-leaping

Since H requested time off to see her show, he has been leaping ever since. Working a ton this month. He did a Christmas pass through. Arrive home in time for dinner Christmas Eve and was up at 4 am to leave to be back to work Christmas Day. This is typical some months. The airline and their scheduling madness keep us on our toes.

 Eleven pipers piping & Twelve drummers drumming

As for pipers and drummers, I got nothing. I can say E loves the drummers in marching bands. Neither of the kiddos is that excited by bagpipes. I can say the beat of time is marching past me quickly. There is so much to be done between now and the end of the year. I am trying to spend some time gathering my thoughts, making a plan for the coming year. Some responsibilities have melted away and for the first time in a long time, I seem to have a blank slate. There is the temptation to fill the empty space, but I am not going to hurry through the process. I am going to take it slow and I am going to focus on me for a little while.I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, if you celebrate and today is Boxing Day for our British chums. I hope to post again before the New Year, but if I don't I wish every one a safe and happy New Year. For goodness sakes if you go out and you drink DO NOT DRIVE. Take a cab, a bus, hire a driver, whatever, but no drinking and driving. I would miss you in the New Year.

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