Friday, February 8, 2008

A year and counting

It has been roughly a year since my friend JS gave me the kick in the pants I SO needed. She sent me the Washington Post Magazine Writing Contest information and told me to get on with it already.

At first, I was so afraid and so overwhelmed. Could I even write 1500? Could I make a go of writing, I do not have a creative writing degree, what did I know?

We a year later I have blogs, I have 2 short stories, dozens of other pieces of work, several articles and bits of web copy under my belt and 4 works in progress - also known as novels!

It is truly a great achieve - that in a year I went from thinking maybe I could make this career change, that maybe I was good enough to try writing - to actually being a writer - to actually being in the frame of mind that I am a writer.

So to everyone who has supported me and given me a hand up and critical eye - Thank you!

This year I plan to focus on creating a website for my business side of my writing, to be legit and to have a business plan and I also plan to stay focused on the fiction and hopefully by summer have one of my works in progress at least complete in rough draft form.

So I am running full steam ahead and I am so happy that JS took the time to mail me the WP contest info - it was just what I needed - to make me willing to jump and pursue my dream job - a job that fulfills me, allows me to be home with the little ones and that is exciting and a creative outlet!

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