Thursday, September 22, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 22 Somebunny I love...

I tweeted a few days ago:

I must confess, I am in love with His Royal Hoppiness. 

That is what I call Truffles. Well among other terms of endearment anyway. He really is a great little guy. Good company, relatively easy to get along with. L does a great job of caring for him. She reads to him, carefully picking "good fit books" for him. Nothing scary, no books with dogs or attack cats. She brought home a book about rabbits from the library just for him.

When Miss T gave him up, she sent all his stuff. His brushes, blankets, treats, house, play structure and his sweaters. Yes, His Royal Hoppiness's has sweaters. It has been too warm for him to get all decked out, but as the air gets chillier, L has been dying to play dress up.

This morning, she dressed him in the better fitting sweater. While Truffles will sit still as a stone and let her dress him, between you and me, he is not a fan of his sweater. I think he thinks it is old fashioned and not nearly trendy enough for him. He is a metro kind of guy. Furthermore, his coat, is exceptionally soft and plush. He already has the pimp daddy of coats, so is a knit sweater really what he needs, probably not.

But around here, the rule is, if you have it, you need to wear it. I make L wear a dress and a skirt once a week and I guess that means His Royal Hoppiness better get used to his sweater sessions.

He is handsome, don't you think?

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